The A.R.I. Trento Amateur Radio Club honors the memory of IN3ZHE Ernesto Zanlucchi (SK) and of all Club Members that have passed since his year of foundation (1934).
PERIOD OF OPERATION (Third Edition, 2023) : September 07, 12:00 UTC thru September 24, 22:00 UTC
All OM, YL and SWL stations that request it will be issued a "Certificate of partecipation" which can be downloaded from October 15, 2023 from a special page on the website www.aritn.it
POINTS : 1 point for any QSO/HRD with member of ARI Trento and 2 points for any QSO/HRD with IQ3TN Club Station.
All HF bands allocated to the Amateur Radiofrom from 80 to 10 meter, WARCS included is allowed.
Click here for the list of Ari Trento members
Permitted modes are PHONE, CW and DIGI-MODE. Multiple
contacts with the same station are valid even on the same day, provided
they are on different bands and/or modes (maximum of 3 points per band:
QSO/HRD via Repeaters, Satellite, EchoLink or similar will score no points.
AWARD REQUEST : To get the Award, you need a confirmed QSO/HRD with the IQ3TN Club Station and score a total of 10 or more points.
To receive the Award (PDF file), send an electronic Log (PDF possibly) to: award@aritn.it
Requested information are: Callsign, Date and Time in UTC, Frequency (or Band), Mode of operation,
RS(T) (sent/received) of each QSO and the “total score claimed”.
A Special Ranking will be published on our Website.
SPECIAL HONOUR : First, Second and Third place “Special Certificates” will be awarded in three
categories: Italian (no ARI TRENTO members), Foreign and SWL Stations.
Deadline for application to the Award is October 10, 2023.